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Industry Track 2019: 2019 PerCom Industry Track - Welcome and Committees

Welcome from the Industry Track Chairs

A warm welcome to you from the Industry Track of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (PerCom) 2019. We are pleased to have been able to create this first dedicated track with such a special focus. It has been established as an opportunity for people associated with industry and academia to present their novel ideas while further expanding their collaborations.

The focus of the track is on research that has direct Industry impact and potential for industry uptake in the domain of pervasive computing and communication. An important criteria for selecting papers for the Industry track was a clear industrial association, either in the form of extensive evaluation of research results in industrial use cases or active participation of industry representatives as co-authors.

The Industry Track received 34 papers, more than expected for the first edition, of which the best 5 have been selected for inclusion in the program. The overall quality was very good, and if space would have permitted, more papers could have been selected. The current papers are the best of the best.

We would like to thank all authors for contributing to this program. Many thanks also go to the Program Committee members, which ensured the high quality and standard of the Industry track. Thanks to their dedication and diligence in reviewing the submissions for the track.

We hope that you will enjoy and benefit from the PerCom 2019 Industry Track and that we are able to set up a new tradition in the series of PerCom conferences.

Nabil Alshurafa, Paul Havinga, Nirvana Meratnia - PerCom 2019 Industry Track Chairs

Industry Track Organisation

General co-chairs

    Nabil Alshurafa (Northwestern University, USA)
    Paul Havinga (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
    Nirvana Meratnia (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Technical Program Committee

Nabil Alshurafa Northwestern University USA
Paul Castro IBM T.J. Watson Research Center USA
Mahbub Hassan University of New South Wales Australia
Paul Havinga University of Twente The Netherlands
Srdjan Krco DunavNET Serbia
Duc Le University of Twente The Netherlands
Mihai Marin-Perianu Inertia Technology The Netherlands
Akhil Mathur Bell Labs USA
Nirvana Meratnia University of Twente The Netherlands
Abhishek Mukherji Cisco Systems Inc. USA
Subrahmanya Venkata Radha Krishna Rao Cognizant Technology Solutions India
Gregor Schiele University of Duisburg-Essen Germany
Hirozumi Yamaguchi Osaka University Japan